
Should I stay or should I go?

Hello my darlings, 

Whether you’ve been following me for a long time or 2hrs, it’s no surprise to you that this page contains what people like to call “explicit content” - and since you’re a member of this website, you also know that the recent policy change will soon mean we can’t share that specific type of content any longer. 

I’ve had this page for years now. Years of sharing, talking, experimenting and expressing my shameless burning passion for sex and sharing my personal experience as an independant woman constantly thriving for a life full of sensuality, intense relationships and spicy one shots. 

At first, I didn’t care about having followers as I thought I would never get any. I just wanted to scroll down a fun website, share pictures/gifs and kinky stories. 

To this day I still don’t know how that happened but turns out we’re years later and I have about 200,000 people following this page. Which truly amazes me. 

I’m not stupid nor naive. I know at least half of these followers are long gone by now (as in “inactive” on tumblr) or sex bots automatically generated or whatever that means. I also know a fair amount of you guys are here for the explicit content. The gifs. The nudity. The porn. 

So what now? what happens to all of you guys? what happens to this page? who will be around if the porn is gone? who is willing to stay? 

I’m not looking for numbers. To be honest I didn’t think I had even 100 followers until I checked about a year ago and realized I had over 100,000.
But I don’t know what to do with this page. 

Obviously I want to keep answering your questions and sharing your stories, my stories, OUR stories. I want to stick around and be there for you guys. But I also know a questions/answers dynamic is boring as fuck. 

I could reblog content I enjoy !? but tumblr’s policy isn’t mine anymore. How can they think nipples are offensive? nipples are beautiful. Tits are A R T. 

I’m not saying I only enjoy graphic content but.... if we can’t even share the slightest part of nudity without being flagged as inappropriate? 

I just don’t know where I stand here. 

Maybe this blog will be deleted when they realize there’s just too much content to hide/flag.... I don’t know. It would break my heart and I would definitely not start over again. 

Some of you guys have mentioned other platforms. I don’t know about reddit at all and I’m not sure I would even fit somewhere else with the kind of content I provide. I’ve tried Twitter but never managed to make it work.... So I don’t know.

What are your thoughts about this situation? 
Help a sister out ♥
Whatever happens, I love you all. 

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