theories i have studied... open for debate

i am not telling you wat to believe or not... i am merely explaining my thought process here... bare with me please.

love and hate- i don't think hate is the opposite of love. it is indifference. the day i knew i was over my ex was when i no longer had the urge to talk to him or retaliate. i don't care wat he does or wat not... i don't care. people retaliate cuz they have been hurt in some cases. done that... retaliation only leads to temporary joy and permanent poison. it breathes... it gnaws.

fundamental attribution error- people think they know us, but we know ourselves better than anyone else. they think that watever we do is directly linked to our personalities. really though, we understand our situations better than they can... after all, we are the ones who experienced it first hand... not them.

trust- time and time again, we trust people because they are our friends. oh boy, this can totally turn around and bite one in the ass. these friends can twist our words around... they lavish, cut-and-paste and exaggerate our words... watever just so we sound bad and they smell like sampaguita or something.

but like my brother says on his friendster account, "With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy."
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